By Anita Mondragon
I love the way God speaks to me!  I woke up this morning with a verse playing over and over in my mind…”My grace is sufficient for thee: for MY strength is made perfect in weakness.” -2 Cor. 12:9  I thought about it for a bit and said, “Thank you Lord for the reminder…”  But, then I went on with my day-same worries, same anxieties, and never thought about the verse again.
By late in the afternoon, I was exhausted! Home school didn’t go too well today.  My son couldn’t seem to get online longer than five minutes at a time before the computer would crash.  I finally decided I needed a promise from God to assure me He was still watching and working to fix our situation.  I went to my promise box, and prayed before taking one.  ….Guess what God put in my hand?  ….”My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9  He KNEW all along what kind of day I was going to face, and He was trying to prepare me for it!  There was a little poem that accompanied the verse:
“Whate’er the test,
Forbid that I
Should seek an easier way,
“Tis mine to choose
The path of death
To all that would 
My Lord betray.” -Unknown 
I really had to read that last part over and over, again and again.  ….”Forbid that I should ever seek an easier way” if it betrays the Lord….  Hummm.  I asked myself-have I betrayed the Lord today?  A sad answer came back to haunt me…YES.  You have betrayed Him, many times today!  Anger, impatience, impure words spewing from my mouth like venom from a snake…  I had to repent, and remind myself that God’s grace IS enough for me and in my weakness, His strength will be made perfect in me IF I call on Him and ask for His grace to take control.
I don’t know about you, but I need His grace and mercy every moment of every day!  Forgive me Lord for forgetting this! 

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