By Anita Mondragon
“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.”  Eph. 6:10

The above verse was from my Promise Box this morning.  It fit!  I’m sure that most of you will agree with me when I say, “Monday mornings are the worst!”  Because, WHO wants to get back to old grind??

Those of you that have jobs outside of the home, must peel yourselves from the sheets, deal with traffic, and get ready to ‘shine’ for your boss so you’ll still have a job at the end of the day.  Competition in the Work-World is fierce!

Those of us who are fortunate enough to stay home, still have things to deal with as well.  Most stay-at-home moms have a ton of laundry by Monday morning, perhaps dishes from the night before, pets to take out and feed; and, then there are the kids/husbands to make lunches, and breakfast for before getting them off to school/work. 

 Some of us moms opted for Home School, and believe me when I say, “teaching your children at home instead of sending them to school is a full-time job all by itself!”  Not to mention all the other hats we wear during the day.  So, coming back to Monday morning reality after having a stress-free weekend is no fun!

That’s why God had the above verse penned in the Bible.  We can’t handle the things of life in our own might…we aren’t strong enough!  We must be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might!

As I reached for my first cup of coffee, and stood over the six huge piles of laundry on the floor that I’d just sorted, I gave a heavy sigh and re-read the promise for today.  I know that in my weakness…HE is made strong!  I have to believe it…trust it…moment by moment.  Otherwise, this is going to be a very long and stressful day!

Anita Mondragon

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