Many verses in the Bible encourage laughter for it is good for the soul.  “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” -Proverbs 17:22
Below are some funny, yet wise sayings I heard while growing up.  So…if you woke up heavy-hearted this morning…read the following and laugh!  It’s healing to the soul! -anita
**On Aging:
.  One of the good things about getting old is, you can hear all the things you said before for the first time! -Barn Wood Builders
.  As you are…so once was I; and as I am…so shall you be. -Faye Hays
**On Modesty:
.  Kids now days don’t wear enough clothes to wad a shot bun! -M.B. Schuessler
.  You ain’t wearing enough clothes to make a pair of leggins for a honeybee! – A straight-laced preacher in Texas
**On Sowing Your Wild Oats:
.  A dancing foot, and a praying knee don’t grow on the same leg! – M.B. Schuessler
.  A lot of folks go out on Saturday night and sow their wild oats; then on Sunday morning, they come to church, run to the altar and pray for a crop failure…it won’t happen!  God say, “Whatever you sow…you WILL reap!” – M.B. Schuessler
**On Housekeeping:
.  The Bible says that man is made from the dust of the earth, and I swear…I have at least six guys under my bead! -Faye Hays
**On the Friends you keep:
.  Birds of a feather, flock together! – Grandma Schuessler
.  Bad company corrupts good manners. -The Bible I Cor. 15:33
**On Taking Advice:
.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink! -Grandpa Koehn
**On Pre-Marital Sex:
.  “I’m like the tomato Bud!  DON’T SQUEEZE ME ‘TILL I’M YOURS!” -Faye Hays
**On Vulgarity:
.  Some folks use curse words like salt and pepper; most of these folks over-season the conversation! -Faye Hays
.  Cursing is the effort of a feeble mind to express it’s self forcefully! -Unknown
**On Health:
.  If God would have intended you to smoke, He would have put a fire-box in your belly, and a smoke stack on your head! -M.B. Schuessler
.  Smoking will only ruin your health!  You’re like a walking billboard: Fire on one end…Fool on the other! -M.B. Schuessler
**On Retirement (of Pastors)
.  Old preachers never die…they just go out to pastor! -Faye Hays
**On Hasty Actions: ( doing before you think and paying the consequences later):
.  You made your bed…now lie in it! -Lola Schuessler
.  Look before you leap! -Grandma Schuessler
.  What in the cat hair were you thinking???-M.B. Schuessler
**On Facing the Truth:
.  Truth hurts to heal.  Fiction tickles to destroy-Dan Allen
**On getting to the point:
.  Stop going around the barn, and just spit it out for Heaven’s sake! -Aunt Heps
Even though we see a lot of humor in these old sayings, there is also much wisdom!  Laugh…but find the deeper meaning.  You’ll be wise if you do!