Make The TURN…

By: Art Herrera
Turn To Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.
-Isaiah 45:22
It doesn’t matter who you are what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, no one is too far gone for Jesus. This I know because I was on the way to Hell and Jesus’ name was a swear word in my mouth.
I think that statement’s important enough that it’s worth repeating: No one is too far gone for Jesus. No one! Including you! Your sin is not stronger then Jesus’ blood He shed at the Cross for you. And there’s no better evidence of this than the woman that Jesus met at the well.
When Jesus meets this woman she has been used and abused. She has been divorced five times and was living with her boyfriend or the way we use to say it growing up was, she was shacking up…She was a mess! At least, she was a mess to the people around her. Even so, Christ reached out to her with the living water of eternal life. And her life was transformed instantly and eternally!
This woman…a woman, like us who had been ravaged by regrets and failures and brokenness…this wasted, burned out woman…was made brand new because of the power of Jesus Christ which began to change her! She wasn’t too far gone for the Lord Jesus!
And the application in your life and my life is clear. No one around us…no matter how wasted, burned out, or strung out they may seem…is too far gone for Jesus Christ.
And you know what else? Neither are you!
In John 4:13, Jesus says, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty forever. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Jesus says whoever drinks of the water that He gives will have eternal life! Like I said before, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been. None of us is ever too far gone for Jesus Christ.
Have you invited Jesus Christ into your heart if not what’s stopping you. You can pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus Christ into your heart. Jesus the door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in and wash me clean from all my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior in Jesus mighty name.
Of you prayed that prayer I welcome you to the family of God.
If you need help message me and Together We Will Beat Up The Devil.
To God Be The Glory.