All of My Days I Sing Your Praise

By: Kay Franklin 
All of my days, I sing your praise.
For all of you ways,
YOU deserve my praise!
You are the air I breath,
You are the song I sing;
You are my everything! 
I give YOU praise! 


By Debbe Block
We are not so removed
from the first Garden
Sin has followed us here
It found us just as foolish
Just as human
Just as flawed
Just as hopeless
But God
Rich in mercy
Loved us in our sorry state
And embraced the pain of death required
To bring us home again

I Will Run the Race

I will set my face to the rising sun
Of this blessed day, I will run.
With my Grace Armor on, I will take my place
And run like I’ve never run!
Although the prize is given not only to the quick,
But also to the lame, sad and the sick.
With God’s help, I can win this race,
With endurance filled with “His” grace.
With anticipation of the prize
Steadfast in my heart,
I will run with “Loves seed”, that was planted
At the start of the life that was given to me.
Yoked to Him, with peace and joy
That each morning brings,
I can face this day as I run and I sing
The praises meant for my King!
-Barbara Guynn

Fear or Draw Near

By Mark Hays
When the seas rage,
Do you weep or sleep?
Is your mind on the storm,
causing you to mourn,
your rough situation,
and feel your limitations
or is your mind on the Lord, Read more…

You Are A Light

By Mark Hays
You are a light,
No words can harm you
If you know in your heart that’s right;
People may try to tear you down,
But in the Lord you are found;
Safe and strong,
to Him you belong;
Do not let the wrongs
Change your song;
Let the light in you
Break the chains in two;
Shine your light for the world to see
And sing the song of the Redeemed joyfully,
It will set you free

The Answer to Betrayal

By Mark Hays
Have you ever trusted,
and somebody abused that trust,
Just took it,
and kicked it in the dust;
And you swore you’d never trust again,
because the pain was too great
and you cry within;
You fear opening up will just bring a fall,
because you’ve seen it once,
and it applies to all; Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I’ve been thinking a lot about Heaven lately.  There is so much unrest and violence in the earth, sometimes I just want to go HOME! 
I had the privilege of being with my grandpa, and years later, my mother-in-law when Jesus sent His angels to take them Home.  It was very peaceful when they passed from this life to the next!  I’ve often thought that 
if they could send me a postcard from Heaven, all it would say is:  “WISH YOU WERE HERE!”  This thinking made me remember a poem I wrote a few years back.  It is entitled:
There in the quietness
Of that hospital’s stark whiteness,
With pain so intense, it made the body numb;
Where the smell of death scented the air…
They were quiet…but I heard them come.

You Alone!

By Mark Hays
You Jesus alone
make me whole
You alone
filled the hole my sin dug
You alone
are my righteousness
Your blood and sacrifice alone
has saved me from the pit
and restored me to the Father

Woman of Faith

By Marc Hays
She knows her Lord and Savior
she talks with Him
pleas with Him
puts her trust in Him
she seeks the Lord in all matters
She prays for strength
to be strong
for those she loves
She strives
fully and selflessly
for those she loves
She hopes
and seeks the best
for those she loves
She sacrifices
to lift up Read more…


By Mark Hays
I’ve walked through the valley of the shadow of death,
Been in situations where I couldn’t catch my breath;
Had fears, like shadows, follow me wherever I go
Searched far and wide for something to ease my soul,
Until one day I found this Shepherd, a man from Galilee,
Who said leave everything behind and follow Me; Read more…