The Daniel Fast Daily Devotionals

You have committed to 21 days of prayer and fasting, a commitment that will change your life; body soul and spirit. I have put together a devotional for you to follow on your 21 day journey, I pray each day will bring you closer to your fasting goals. Check back daily as we add new devotions and join me on Tuesday evening for prayer and encouragement, in the main sanctuary from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.            God Bless, Sister Francine

March 26 I Ending Our Fast

At the beginning of our fast you were asked to write down some things that you wanted to see accomplished as a result of fasting. I pray that you will take another look at those things you wrote down. Have your thoughts changed? Has God answered any of your prayers? How have you been feeling physically? I am sure that many of you have lost a few unwanted pounds. We have heard testimonies of family members surrendering to Christ. Blood pressure has dropped, blood sugar is stabilizing, and bitterness is gone…



March 25 I The Veil Is Torn

At that same hour the veil in the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. To the Jews the veil was one of the most important things in the temple. It surrounded the Ark of the Covenant which symbolized the very presence of God…



March 24 I Sunday

See you in church!

March 23 I It Is FInished

As we prepare to enter into what we call Holy week or Passion week lets keep in mind the redeeming work that has been accomplished on the cross of Calvary. Jesus Christ was mocked, scorned, and tortured. He carried his cross up the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem to Calvary, was nailed to the Cross and hung between two common criminals, and suffered an indescribable end…



March 22 I Oh What A Great Love

The death of Jesus on the cross is the most phenomenal event in all of history because that is when eternal salvation was secured for mankind. Death by crucifixion was a brutal form of capital punishment used by the Romans as a deterrent for more serious crimes. The victim was marched through the street as a public spectacle. The Romans leaders wanted the scene of the crucifixion to be highly visible because it would serve as an example to all people of the fate that would await them if they dared defy the law…


March 21 I Please Forgive Me

We are now in our third and final week of our Daniel fast. I want to commend you for the effort that you have put into seeking the Lord. Denying the flesh can be hard but I know that God will bless your effort. If you are not seeing the results just yet, hold on because I believe God has a blessing in store for you. The blessing may come today, tomorrow or some other day, but it will come. God honors prayer and your consecration to Him…




March 20 I Praying For Our Children

Circumstances of this world are seeking to shape our children into an environment of lost values, we are seeing hopelessness, confusion and a spirit of darkness being poured out and there is only one way that we can wash the darkness away; it is by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, the light of the world will expel the darkness…



March 19 I A Call To Praise

“I love you, O LORD my strength.” Psalms 18:1 With these words of praise David, proclaims the faithfulness of God. He had such great confidence in God’s strength: God was his rock, fortress, deliverer, refuge, shield, horn, and stronghold. God was everything that He needed and he found that to be true throughout his whole life. That is why he could say “I have never seen the righteous forsaken”…



March 18 I Thy Will Be Done

In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus prayed “…nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt”; it was from His surrender to the Fathers will that we see Him walking up the hill to Calvary ready to die on a cruel cross. Sometimes God’s will does not make sense to us but trust God He knows better than we do…



March 17 I Sunday

See you in church!


March 16 I Thy Kingdom Come

We live in a world that does not want to acknowledge God as the ruler of our lives. To pray the words “thy kingdom come” can be offensive to some because what we want is the right to govern ourselves, even if it means dethroning God. We want independence, to pursue our own plans, play by our own rules. We generally look at prayer as a means of getting things for ourselves, but the biblical idea of prayer is that God’s holiness, purpose, and will may be brought about so that we and others can know God and experience God, not just get things from God.



March 15 I TEN

Yesterday marked ten days of fasting and praying on the Daniel Fast; today I want to take a look at the number ten. Some say there is a lot biblical significance in that number–I can’t say because I am not a bible scholar but what I can say is that the number ten is used a lot in the bible, starting with the Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20) The Ten Commandments are significant of the law that God gave to his people. Most people are familiar with the Ten Commandments, though we may not be able to quote them most everyone has heard about them…



March 14 I When I’m Discouraged

It seems like I give my all and no one appreciates what I do. I seem to always be shot down just when I feel that I am making some progress in my life. One step forward, two steps back. Can you relate to these comments? We read in 1 Samuel 30 that David felt the same way but let’s look together to see what he did with those feelings and he learned how he encourage himself in the Lord…



March 13 I Lifting Up Holy Hands

It was a great battle in Rephidim where God revealed himself as “Jehovah Nissi, The Lord is My Banner”. It happened as Israel had crossed the Red Sea. The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim (Ex. 17:8) Moses the man of God says to Joshua “Choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”…



March 12 I Who Me?

Today is one week into our three weeks of fasting. I know you weren’t sure you could make it but now you are here one third of the way through and I pray that God has been speaking to your heart as you have spent time reading your bible and praying. As you enter into week two I want you to remind you of the scripture God has given to us in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”…



March 11 I Spirtual Hostages

Multitudes of people in this world are held hostage in their minds by the devil. They are incarcerated, locked up, caged in their minds and emotions, held like slaves, prisoners, or detainees who are under arrest and live at the mercy of their conqueror. The mind is the primary area that Satan seeks to attack. He knows that once he succeeds in planting a stronghold or deception in some area of a person’s mind, he can then, begin to manipulate and control that person…



March 10 I Sunday

See you in church!


March 9 I Why Give Thanks

Thanksgiving in the Greek is eucharisteo and is used in the bible as the response due to God from his people. It is the act of expressing specific gratitude for the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Thanksgiving is a confession of blessing; it draws the heart to God, taking the attention off of me and places it where it should be; on God…



March 8 I Cravings

By this time you are probably saying to yourself, “what did I get myself into”, because the body is starting to rebel. It wants its coffee, its sweets and the things that it has come accustomed to. Bringing this flesh into subjection to the Spirit man can be difficult. One of the principles we learn through fasting is discipline. Learning to discipline the flesh, so that the Spirit man can grow, and the works of the flesh will decrease…


March 7 I Cooperate fast

Ezra, the Priest who used prayer to overcome difficulties and bring good things to pass had received permission from the King to lead a group of exiles back to Jerusalem. Ezra and the people of God would soon begin a long journey, travel was dangerous, and the roads were frequented by thieves. Even messengers traveled by caravan to ensure their safety. They were to face many dangers without military protection during their nine-hundred-mile journey…



March 6 I Temple Cleansing Time

In the bible days a criminal was crucified with the record of his crimes at the top of the cross for everyone to see why he was being executed. The apostle Paul is telling us in Colossians 2:13-14 that when Jesus died on the cross, God pulled all the pages out of the sin books and nailed them to the cross as if they were the crimes of Jesus, and when Jesus died He paid the penalty for our sins. We no longer have to be in debt to our sin…



March 5 I Fast and Pray

Why do I need to pray? Why do I need to fast? These are questions that you are probably asking yourself. God knows everything; He knows our needs, why do I need to tell Him what He already knows? One misunderstanding about prayer is that we think the purpose of prayer is to give God information. “Lord I need this”, “Do that”…






Principles for Fasting I Resources I Recipes I Devotionals