By Anita Mondragon
The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”  Luke 19:10
Though they are slighting Him, still He is waiting, waiting the penitent child to receive; Plead with them earnestly, plead with them gently, He will forgive if they only believe.  Rescue the perishing, care for the dying; Jesus is merciful…Jesus will save! -Fanny J. Crosby 1869 and William H. Doane, 1870

I wrote the following poem years ago.  It came about like this: Every day, I saw this man in my neighborhood on his way to the bus stop.  He was elderly, and in poor health. He walked with a cane, and would momentarily stop because he had trouble breathing. 

Every time I saw him, God would nudge me and tell me that I needed to witness to him-for his time was short.

I was afraid.  Pure and simple…that’s what held me back.  To my shame, I never did stop and tell him about Jesus and how he could go to heaven.

The day came when I saw him no more.  He died. I hope God spoke to someone else and they heeded His urging.  If he never heard of the Love of Jesus, and how to get to heaven, he will someday point his finger at me and say, “You knew the truth…but you never shared it with me!”  And he will be lost for eternity.

If God impresses on your heart the need to witness…HEED THE CALL! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW HOW TO GET TO HEAVEN


Headed towards the bus stop,

Slowly trudging down the street,

The ball and chain he carries,

Makes him drag his weary feet.

The chains that hold him, can’t be seen…

But surely…he IS bound!

His soul is screaming…crying out…

It’s begging to be found!

He’s put within my path each day;

I’m like a life boat put to sea…

For in life’s waves, he’s tossing…drowning…

Slowly dying…wishing…waiting…hoping to be freed!

What holds me back from witnessing?

I see his future growing bleak!

Why can’t I share the Truth with him?

What stops my words?  Why can’t I speak?

My ship sails next to his

Upon this vast, dark sea of life…

My waters are so calm and clear,

While his, are full of strife!

What makes us different on this sea,

While we all sail towards eternity?

Why am I at peace,

While his ship rocks to and ‘fro?

Why can I praise…

When all he feels is death, despair, and woe?

Lord!  Give me courage…make me strong!

Let me somehow right this wrong!

Give me boldness…let me speak,

Your message of love, so pure and sweet!

Let me proclaim that wonderful name,

That turns despair into song;

For I know he’s waited for deliverance…

So very, very long!

Remove the storm clouds Lord!

And calm his troubled sea…

Loose the chains that bind his heart,

And set his spirit free!

Use me Lord, to share your love…

For that’s why I have peace!

That’s why my praise goes up to you…

And never seems to cease!

Use me as a life boat Lord…

Upon life’s troubles seas…

Let me rescue dying souls,

And bring them unto thee!