By Anita Mondragon

1The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. I Timothy 4:1

But the one who endures to the end will be saved.-Matthew 24:13
My heart is heavy this morning as I think of friends and loved ones who KNOW the truth-but have deliberately walked away, turned their backs and are following another spirit.

My dad was a pastor for over forty years so I’ve seen it happen, time after time.  People I’ve attended church with-so on fire for God; teaching, preaching, witnessing to everyone they meet.  People that had a huge impact on my life, my personal walk with Jesus, and by example, were at the time my saving grace, just because I saw something in them that I needed…wanted.  But now…they have turned from their faith in The Almighty God, and are following the teachings of this world.  Altars, shrines, idols, chants, repetitive prayers-all to a god/gods,  that have no eyes to see, no ears to hear, and are completely destitute of Power!   Some serve Satan himself-delving into witchcraft, and the like.  If you would meet them on the street- you’d never know that they once had a close relationship with The One who died for them…for us all.

The sad thing is, the one they serve now is to blame for their turning away.  Things have happened in their lives-hurtful things, things that seem impossible to bounce back from.  Instead of turning to God, they become bitter, full of rage for the things life has dealt them- I know…I was there once myself!

Death of loved ones, failed marriages, divorce, betrayal, addictions, abuse, sickness, disease, abandonment …and the list goes on.  We could all relate to one or more of these things happening in our own lives, but for some reason-these things ruin some of us, and others of us rise above them and are ok…even better at times for having experienced them.

I’m not here to be the judge, jury, and executioner of these, my friends, my loved ones; but rather to call on all of us who still believe in God Almighty, Jesus His Son, and the Holy Spirit, to call out in prayer for the return of those that have gone astray!  They are on dangerous ground and in great need of intercession!

My prayer is that when I encounter them, I remind them in love…God’s Love, of the Truth they once held dear.  JESUS-THE WAY…THE TRUTH…THE LIFE.

If any of you reading this have a friend or loved one who has fallen away from The Truth-please join me in prayer for their safe return to the waiting arms of Jesus!


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