By Anita Mondragon
There always seems to be room in life,
For pleasures, and parties, and fun;
But still in life, Jesus has no part…
There is no room for the Son!
There’s always room for gossip and lies,
And dreams of lust and ambition;
But there’s never enough time to search the heart,
And notice it’s sad condition!
There is always room for overtime,
For position and wealth mean much;
But there’s never a spare moment for prayer each day,
To ask for The Spirit’s sweet touch!
These things you’re acquiring, will all soon pass away
And you’ll stand at Eternity’s Gate
See, you may find time for Jesus then…
But He may say, “It’s too late!”
No room.  No time, in this busy world
You pass through.
Someday when you come to the end of it all,
You may find, there’s no room for YOU!