By Anita Mondragon
Do you wake up with worry on your mind, and fall asleep the same way?
Do you have giants in your life that you feel you face alone?
Are there monsters in your soul that try to take control?
Are you taunted with folks you can’t seem to please?
Do you find it hard to face your future because of your past mistakes?
If you’ve answered “yes” to any of the above, be sure…there is a solution! 
You see, David was faced with a literal giant named Goliath, but David didn’t fall asleep and have nightmares about facing him.  David KNEW he wasn’t alone in this fight.  David didn’t let the monster of fear take control of his soul…he called on God.  David wasn’t concerned about the taunts from Goliath nor the unbelief of his ability to overcome by his own people.  David KNEW there was a future, despite his past mistakes.
That’s why he went with confidence to the battle and overcame.  Look at 1 Samuel 17:48.  It says this:  “As Goliath moved closer to attack, David quickly ran out to meet him.”
The solution is this:  Don’t run from your fears!  Face your giants-whatever they may be, but face them WITH GOD.  You are NOT alone!  Call on the Lord, and let Him fight your battles!  Don’t run from your giants…run toward them!  Face them ‘head-on’, and you WILL be triumphant!