Are You Lost?

by Anita Mondragon

“In ALL your ways acknowledge HIM, and He will direct your paths.” -Proverbs 3:6


Are you lost?  Only you can answer this question.

Some of you reading this, know that you are lost.  You don’t KNOW Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.  You have not as yet asked Him into your heart and life.

Others of you reading this DO KNOW Jesus in a personal way; but life has you distracted…you go down every rabbit trail that comes along-searching for something.  You’ve forgotten your first love…your relationship with Jesus Christ!

Jesus stands with His arms open wide, ready to receive you.  Ready to save the one that does not KNOW Him as yet; and ready to take back the one that has strayed.  He’s waiting to forgive anyone, and everyone that comes to Him with a repentant heart!

The word, Acknowledge, means to:  accept or admit the existence or truth of. To accept. To grant. To allow. To admit. To concede. To confess.


Are you ready to accept Him?  Are you ready to admit His existence?  Admit that He IS the Truth?  Grant Him entrance into your life?  Allow Him to lead you?  Concede that He IS The Son of God Almighty?  Are you ready to confess your sins and accept His Salvation?


If your answer is “Yes!” , then He will direct all your paths!  Call out to Him, trust Him, then follow Him with all your heart!

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