These times we are living in are very confusing!  In the eyes of the World, you may do something today and it will be considered wonderful; but do it tomorrow…and it has become offensive overnight.  What used to be ‘right’ is now considered wrong, and vice versa.  Preachers used to put names to sin, but now sin is rarely talked about from the pulpit.  Shepherds are allowing wolves to come into the church through their unwillingness to speak the TRUTH!  Instead of chasing the wolves off with the truth of the Gospel, they’d rather pet them. They let the sheep be scattered and allow every wind of doctrine to enter the church to keep their numbers of attendance up.  Attendance and offerings…that’s what’s important now.  Forget the truth;  But Jesus said, “the TRUTH will set you free!  
I believe this is why professing Christians are hesitant to share the Gospel.  It’s been evident from the pulpit that this is a new world, and it’s ok to “soft pedal” things when it comes to the truth.  We must be tolerant of everything-even if it’s wrong.  We all know that it’s become dangerous-even fatal,  in other parts of the World for people to speak the truth.  Folks are dying for their beliefs.  
But Jesus said this:  “HE THAT BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT BE CONFOUNDED (confused).  -1 Peter 2:6  I pulled that promise out of my Promise Box last night.  Here’s the little poem that went along with it…
“The crowd of cares, the weightiest cross;
See, trifles less than light,
Earth looks so little and so low,
When faith shines full and bright.” -unknown
FAITH!  That’s what keeps these martyrs strong and willing to die for their beliefs in Christ!  THEY are NOT confused about what they believe in!  They KNOW what Jesus has done for them!  My question to all of us modern day Christians that stay quiet about the TRUTH while those around us die in their sins is this…
Do you remember what Jesus has done for you?  Do you BELIEVE on HIM?  Or are you confused?  Check your salvation.


Anita Mondragon