By Mark Hays
Life is real,

it can be hard to deal,

worry can set in the mind,

causing us to bind,

into knots,

our thoughts,

take us captive,

we struggle to be adaptive

Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I love to watch this show called, Home Town!  A husband and wife team that live in Laurel Mississippi wanted to clean up their town after hurricane Katrina hit a few years back.  He’s a master woodworker, and all around handy man; and she is the designer.  It’s amazing at how they have restored many, many houses in their town!  Houses that the city wanted to knock down, houses that have been empty for decades.  Ugly.  Rotten. Critter infested. Weeds growing inside.  Houses in total disrepair!  But when they get done with them, they are brand new.  Beautiful.  Restored to their first estate! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
The first heart’s just to let You know,
 You mean the world to me!
Your love has made me who I am
-the best that I could be.


By Mark Hays
Life is real,

it can be hard to deal,

worry can set in the mind,

causing us to bind,

into knots,

our thoughts,

take us captive,

we struggle to be adaptive


We seek release,

Cry Lord help us please,

but it’s hard,

with all the cards,

we’re dealt,

the weight on our heart is felt


We want to have a say,

in the problems we face,

they stay on replay,

in our mind they weigh


but often we can’t affect the outcome,

which is hard to admit,

the fact we can’t throws us in a fit


It’s hard to release,

we find no peace


but there’s a perfect peace,

to be had,

one that will turn you,

from sad to glad


The Lord comes to us,

tells us to cast our cares on Him,

let your faith rise within,

and learn to trust,

it is a must,

in our wonderful Savior,

if you cast your cares on Him,

it will ease your mind’s labor


for He is Lord over all,

your worries and fears,

the thoughts that have held,

you captive for years


surrender them to Him,

open yourself to faith,

and let it fill to the brim


the Lord never fails,

He’s led believers through stormy gails


He can do the same for you,

His Word is true,

so ease your troubled mind,

give it all to Him and He will unbind,

your soul,

give Him control,

make that your goal


Life is real,

But when you let the Lord deal,

with your cares,

you will fare,

much better,

and you’ll be able to weather,

what comes your way,

call to Him today,

find the peace your worries and fears stole,

and you will find rest for your soul.



By Anita Mondragon
“Seek ye, first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  Matthew 6:33
Don’t fret.  Yet, sometimes I do.  Not intentionally, but I still do.

We are to trust God to do what HE is going to do.  It’s hard at times, I’ll admit.  When there are things going on beyond our control…when it looks like there is no end to the problem…no light to be seen at the end of the tunnel…all those clichés that come to mind…that you can think of to fit your present dilemma; but we are to trust God to come through.   He always does.  Oh, maybe not in our time…or the way we think He should…but He always takes care of us.

My problem is, I usually want to tell Him how and when to do it. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon

Read:  Ecclesiastes 12:1-7

We are to remember our Creator in the days of our youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”-
This passage speaks of growing old.  Read it.  I can relate to many things in there already.  If you can’t yet…believe me…you will!

Mike and I were sitting out on the patio this morning, drinking our coffee, and enjoying the birds, and flowers.  There was a gentle breeze blowing…cool and quiet.  It was very refreshing to the spirit! Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I went to bed last night and was very troubled in my soul at the things going on in our government. I prayed and tried to leave things in God’s hands for He IS in control. When I awoke this morning, the following words were going through my head. They helped calm my heart. Hope they do the same for you…. -Anita


In these troubled times,
KNOW that God is near. Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I was born on a farm in Kansas.  Some of the sayings we had don’t make any sense to city slickers!  The above is probably one of them Emoji
I thought of this particular one the other day as  I recalled having a conversation with someone about five years ago regarding this very thing. .  But let me explain to you what that phrase means…
In today’s world, it could be said with one word…Karma.  We all know what that means, right?  However you treat folks, those same actions will be given back to you at some point in your life.  You can call it karma, payback, what goes around comes around….  The Bible puts it another way: it says in  Galatians 6:7: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life”
It’s easy to sow unforgiveness, anger, hate, judgment, unkindness…but when these things come back to you, it’s a hard pill to swallow!!
Now, on the farm, if someone says to you, “Your chickens are gonna come home to roost one day…” , that is a warning that you better be careful of how you are treating others because it will come back to haunt you! 
Both of my grandma’s said this many times-not only to me, but in conversation regarding others.  Is it true???  You can bet your bottom dollar it is!  If you treat others with kindness, the same will come back to you.  If you gossip, back-stab, deal unjustly with others, someday that will all come back to you as well.
My dad was a farmer before he became a pastor.  He used to say to the party people at church -the bowlegged “Christians” that had one foot in the world, and the other in church on Sunday only, he said, “You think you can go out on Saturday night and sow your wild oats and then come to church on Sunday morning, run to the altar and pray for a crop failure…but it doesn’t work that way!  What you sow is what you’ll reap!  And when those chickens come home to roost, you’ll rue the day you did what you did!”
If you know anything about chickens, you know that they run all over the farm during the day, but when night falls, and day is done, they all return to the coop to roost.  I saw a thing on Facebook talking about judging others for their sins.  I’m sure you’ve all heard: “Not my circus…not my monkeys!”  Right:?  Well, the one I saw the other day said:  “Not my coop…not my poop!”  Both these sayings indicate that if it is your circus, or your coop…it’s your problem to deal with it because it was/is your responsibility for the outcome.
So, I said all that to say this…
THE SOWING IS EASY…BUT THE REAPING COMES BACK ONE HUNDRED FOLD!  And when those chickens finally come home to roost…you may find you’ll need a bigger coop!


By Anita Mondragon
God revealed something to me the other day.  It was regarding Peace and it’s true meaning.  Here’s the simple recipe for a life filled with peace….  Take a look!
P ut
E ach
dverse situation into
C hrist’s hands, and take your 
E ase.  
Why?  Because HE”s got you!  
Now let’s get cooking!


By Anita Mondragon
Here we are…already into the 7th day of a new year!  
As I sat and pondered on the things I did in the past year, I had to wonder if I truly had made a difference in someone\s life.  Oh yes, I attended church on a regular basis, helped with whatever I could, gave to the homeless, was kind…well, most of the time. I even taught a class.   I gave my tithe and then some for the needs of God’s work.  I and my husband are caretakers of our church, so we kept constant guard over God’s property; and, all these things were helpful and good.
However, as I recalled all of this, I asked myself and my husband this question:  “All these things were good and needful…BUT DID I PLUCK SOMEONE FROM THE FIRES OF HELL?”