The Answer to Betrayal

By Mark Hays
Have you ever trusted,
and somebody abused that trust,
Just took it,
and kicked it in the dust;
And you swore you’d never trust again,
because the pain was too great
and you cry within;
You fear opening up will just bring a fall,
because you’ve seen it once,
and it applies to all; Read more…


By Anita Mondragon
I’ve been thinking a lot about Heaven lately.  There is so much unrest and violence in the earth, sometimes I just want to go HOME! 
I had the privilege of being with my grandpa, and years later, my mother-in-law when Jesus sent His angels to take them Home.  It was very peaceful when they passed from this life to the next!  I’ve often thought that 
if they could send me a postcard from Heaven, all it would say is:  “WISH YOU WERE HERE!”  This thinking made me remember a poem I wrote a few years back.  It is entitled:
There in the quietness
Of that hospital’s stark whiteness,
With pain so intense, it made the body numb;
Where the smell of death scented the air…
They were quiet…but I heard them come.

You Alone!

By Mark Hays
You Jesus alone
make me whole
You alone
filled the hole my sin dug
You alone
are my righteousness
Your blood and sacrifice alone
has saved me from the pit
and restored me to the Father