by Anita Mondragon
Maybe some of you reading this think I have a typo in the title. I DON’T! Let me explain.
We just finished our W.O.W. Conference for 2019. It was awesome! The food and snacks served by the Kitchen Staff was amazing!
We had wonderful music done by our own praise team, as well as the praise team from Centro De Alabanza, and a special time of worship from Leticia Torrez. The music was phenomenal!
Besides words of wisdom given to us from our own First Lady, Sister Francine, we were privileged to have two special speakers, Sister Nancy Hinkle, and Sister Kathleen Le.
I have to admit, at the beginning, I really didn’t want to attend. ….Hold on now! Don’t look down the end of your nose at me! I bet some of you out there felt the same way…. I don’t know what your reason/excuse was for feeling this way, but I can tell you what mine were.
- I could think of a hundred different ways to spend $25.00
- I couldn’t see myself sitting there for two hours on a Friday night and then ALL DAY SATURDAY! I had things to do…Yeah…Right!
- Truth is…I really just didn’t want to go. I’d have to get out of my jammies and get dressed…make an effort.
Am I alone in this boat?
But, I am so glad that I overcame these obstacles and went! You see, it was the enemy whispering all these things in my ear. He didn’t want me to go because he knew I would have my eyes opened and be delivered from some things in my life that held me in bondage.
I want to share a few points with those of you, who for whatever reason did not make it to the conference. And…even though it was a women’s conference, the information given was backed up by scripture and is profitable for men as well! So listen up guys! These things apply to you too.
In Session 1, Sister Nancy spoke on the subject of, Who are you wearing? She likened it to her passion of watching the Grammy’s, etc. It wasn’t the show as much as the Red Carpet. She liked to see what folks were wearing. The interviewer always asked the same question-WHO are you wearing, as in Prada, Versace, Gucci, Dolce Gabbana.
As women of God-Believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, that same question was put to us. WHO ARE YOU WEARING?
Then, the list came up: Are you wearing your mother? Are you wearing your dad? Are you wearing the negative, hurtful things that were said to you in the past? How about defeat? Or divorce? Are you wearing bitterness, and unforgiveness? What about hate? Do you ever put that on? Do you wear the lies that have been told about you? Do you wear the abuse you’ve endured your whole life?
If so, it’s time to change your clothes! If you do, you will change your life! Time to put on Jesus Christ! Joel 3:13 says this: Change your life, not just your clothes. Come back to God, your God. And here’s why: God is kind and merciful. He takes a deep breath, put up with a lot. This most patient God, extravagant in love, always ready to cancel catastrophe.
The very fact that the enemy shows up to steal from you, PROVES you have something worth stealing! Get out of agreement with him! KNOW what God says about you!
Many times, God leads us to the door of something great…something beyond our wildest aspirations, but we die on the threshold listening to the lies of the enemy. It’s time to bust through the door! Time to receive ALL that God intends for us!
Let’s put on the whole armor of God, and confidently walk through the doors of opportunity God places in our path!
Who’s with me?