Posted on Sep 22, 2021 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: forgiven blog daily devotional, Isaiah 45:22, John 4:13, prayer
By: Art Herrera
Turn To Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other.
-Isaiah 45:22
It doesn’t matter who you are what you’ve done, or where you’ve been, no one is too far gone for Jesus. This I know because I was on the way to Hell and Jesus’ name was a swear word in my mouth.
I think that statement’s important enough that it’s worth repeating: No one is too far gone for Jesus. No one! Including you! Your sin is not stronger then Jesus’ blood He shed at the Cross for you. And there’s no better evidence of this than the woman that Jesus met at the well.
When Jesus meets this woman she has been used and abused. She has been divorced five times and was living with her boyfriend or the way we use to say it growing up was, she was shacking up…She was a mess! At least, she was a mess to the people around her. Even so, Christ reached out to her with the living water of eternal life. And her life was transformed instantly and eternally!
This woman…a woman, like us who had been ravaged by regrets and failures and brokenness…this wasted, burned out woman…was made brand new because of the power of Jesus Christ which began to change her! She wasn’t too far gone for the Lord Jesus!
And the application in your life and my life is clear. No one around us…no matter how wasted, burned out, or strung out they may seem…is too far gone for Jesus Christ.
And you know what else? Neither are you!
In John 4:13, Jesus says, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty forever. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
Jesus says whoever drinks of the water that He gives will have eternal life! Like I said before, it doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or where you’ve been. None of us is ever too far gone for Jesus Christ.
Have you invited Jesus Christ into your heart if not what’s stopping you. You can pray this simple yet sincere prayer inviting Jesus Christ into your heart. Jesus the door of my heart is open and I invite you to come in and wash me clean from all my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior in Jesus mighty name.
Of you prayed that prayer I welcome you to the family of God.
If you need help message me and Together We Will Beat Up The Devil.
To God Be The Glory.
Posted on Sep 1, 2021 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: 2: Tim. 1:7, forgiven blog daily devotional, Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 41:10, John 16:33, Phil. 4: 6–7, poetry, prayer, Psalm 46:2, Psalm 94:18-19
By Anita Mondragon
Do you ever find yourself tired…weary? Do you feel at times that you are the only one in the boat, rowing towards the shores of Heaven? I must confess that I do have these feelings from time to time.
I look at folks around me that are in the boat-on their way to Heaven, but they don’t seem to be rowing as hard as I am! I don’t “row” to keep my Salvation, I “row” because Jesus has saved me from an awful fate, and I am forever grateful to Him for being rescued; but I am also tired, and in need of encouragement!
But God’s Word says:
“Let us not be weary in well-doing; for in due season we shall reap, IF we faint not.” – Galatians 6:9
I read this little poem-I don’t even know who wrote it, but it gave me the strength I need, just for today! It says this…
“Don’t stop praying, but have more trust;
Don’t stop praying; for pray we must;
Faith will banish a mountain of care…
So don’t stop praying! God answers prayer.”
So, for today, I will keep my armor on…hold my sword, and be ready to strike the enemy should he come calling; and, while rowing, however tired I may be, I will look for lost souls upon life’s troubled sea, and be a life boat for those sinking in the waves of despair.
Posted on Jul 24, 2021 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: 1 Thessalonians 5:5, forgiven blog daily devotional, Matthew 6:29, poetry, prayer
Look at the pictures of flowers!
The flowers sway with the wind. We need to move with the Lord.
When it gets dark, the flowers close up. We close up when the darkness has our hearts and we feel like we are dying inside.
When the sun comes up we move towards the sun and the flowers grow and move towards the rays of the sun.
Lord Jesus shatter the darkness in our hearts with your bright light. In Jesus name amen!
Posted on May 27, 2021 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: army of the Lord, daily devotion, daily devotional, prayer, war, war room
By Anita Mondragon
If you belong to Jesus, you need to know…we are soldiers in the army of God!
Most of us live our lives as though all is at peace in the world. We don’t care to trouble ourselves with the weight of the world’s problems. We know where we will end up when this life is over, so we are satisfied to sit on our Blessed Assurance and let the world go it’s way. But let me remind you (me included), WE ARE AT WAR!
A few years back, there was a movie called the War Room. The lady in the movie had many prayer requests, so she made her closet the place where she’d pray. She hung sticky notes with her requests to God. She would daily go into her closet, close the door, and bring each request before the throne of God Almighty. This closet became known as her War Room.
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Posted on Sep 11, 2020 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: a praying mom, aproned warrior, blog, daily devotion, daily devotional, forgiven blog, mom, moms, prayer, pryaer, war
By Anita Mondragon
One day, while in prayer for my children, God gave me this poem. I hope it encourages all of you “mamas” out there. Never give up! Keep on going to war and pray for your children!
The most violent battles that are ever fought,
Do you know who fights them and when?
In history books, you will find them not,
For they’re fought by the mothers of men.
Not with tanks, guns, or swords
Posted on Jun 24, 2020 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: blog, church, churhc, daily devotional, dailydevotion, forgiven blog, prayer
By Anita Mondragon
Back in 2006, the modern term of ‘cloud computing’ really took off. Old paper files became a thing of the past and now virtually everything is put in the cloud. This clears up a lot of space for the important things.
I had to look up that term to get its full meaning. Here’s what I found… Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user.
I really began thinking about the Spiritual connotation to this concept…especially the last part. You see, I have an old file cabinet I need to get rid of! You know the one I’m talking about…it’s the one in the back of my mind. You probably have one too.
Mine is full of folders that are decades old.
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Posted on May 13, 2020 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: blog, daily devotion, daily devotional, patience, PCC, Praise Center Church, prayer, The waiting room
By Anita Mondragon
Have you ever made an appointment with someone, only to end up waiting way past the time you were to be seen? I have! Almost every time I make a Doctor appointment, I have to wait 20-30 minutes past my appointment time sitting in the waiting room-paging through old magazines; then I’m shown to a room and told the doctor will be right in. However, that seldom happens, and I wait even longer before they knock on the door and rush through with a smile and an apology.
I’ve been a Christian for 51 years, and at times, I find the answers to my prayers to be quite similar. Most of the time, my answer comes quickly, but the hard ones…the ones that concern the choices of others seem to take longer.
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Posted on May 24, 2019 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: 80219, Bible, christ, daily devotion, FLORIDA AND FEDERAL, forgiven, forgiven daily devotional blog, jesus, PCC, Praise Center Church, prayer
By Anita Mondragon
At times, we of the lower middle class look at those more financially fortunate than ourselves, and envy what they have.
We wish our house was larger, our car newer, our bank account more substantial. Even Christians find themselves always wishing for more. It is a malady of the human spirit. We never seem to be satisfied!
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Posted on Apr 23, 2019 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: ask with confidence, blog, daily devotion, forgiven, PCC, Praise Center Church, prayer
by Anita Mondragon
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16
Are you seeking God’s face, asking Him for something out of the ordinary? A miracle perhaps; something other than daily prayers? If you KNOW Him…have confidence that He will answer!
You may be struggling with health issues. Perhaps, you are searching for a job. Others may be praying for the salvation of family and friends, or the return of the prodigal child. Don’t give up hope. The word in the verse above is fervent. It means: having or displaying a passionate intensity. When we are passionate about something, we do not give up easily.
You may think that you are anything but righteous, and in ourselves, we are not. Only through the cleansing of sin by Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can we be righteous. We have no ability to achieve righteousness in and of ourselves. But we can possess the righteousness of Christ, because “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (II Cor. 5:21). This is an amazing truth. When Jesus died on the cross, He exchanged our sin for His perfect righteousness so that we can one day stand before God and He will see not our sin, but the holy righteousness of the Lord Jesus. This is why we can go boldly before the throne of grace and bring our petitions to God and have confidence that he will hear and answer.
So be confident when you ask God for something in prayer. Be sure…He IS listening and He will answer in His time!
“Go to the depth of God’s promise, ask freely of Him, and receive. All good may be had for the asking, if seeking, you truly believe!” -Unknown
Posted on Feb 19, 2019 in Forgiven- A Daily Devotion | Tags: blog, daily devotional, forgiven, lifting up holy hands, PCC, Praise Center Church, prayer
by Francine Rodriguez
It was a great battle in Rephidim where God revealed himself as “Jehovah Nissi, The Lord is My Banner”. It happened as Israel had crossed the Red Sea. “The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim.” (Ex. 17:8) Moses the man of God said to Joshua, choose some of our men and go out to fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill with the staff of God in my hands.”
So Joshua fought the Amalekites as Moses had ordered, while Moses, Aaron his brother and Hur his assistant went to the top of the hill to pray. As long as Moses lifted his hands to pray the Israelites were winning the battle; but when he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.
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